Everything You Need to Know About Texas Truck Accident Statistics

Did you know that Texas is one of the most dangerous states for drivers? While there are many great things about living in Texas, its road safety can be concerning. Statistics show that Texas drivers are particularly likely to get in accidents with large semi-trucks and tractor-trailer trucks. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to protect yourself. Staying informed about Texas truck accident statistics can help you make smart decisions. 

Truck Accidents in Texas Happen Very Frequently

Data from the Texas Department of Transportation reveals that semi-trucks are one of the most common types of vehicles to end up in crashes. In 2023 alone, there were 26,298 crashes involving a semi-truck. These accidents can be further broken down into categories based on how serious they were:

  • 443 fatal truck crashes occurred
  • 998 serious injuries happened
  • 2,850 minor injuries were reported
  • 2,962 other injuries took place
  • 18,793 crashes without any injury happened

All of this data paints a concerning picture of what happens within a typical year. Roughly 1 in 1,000 Texas drivers will end up in a semi-truck accident. Every 20 minutes in the state of Texas, an accident with a semi-truck occurs. Compared to other states, Texas has the highest number of fatal semi-truck accidents. Almost 14% of all truck accident deaths happen in Texas.

Another issue to be aware of is that accidents in Texas seem to be on the rise. In 2022, 716 fatal truck crashes occurred, and in 2019, only 579 fatal semi-truck accidents happened. Since at least 2009, there has been a significant increase in the number of accidents with large trucks. 

Why Does Texas Have Such a Big Truck Accident Issue?

As you can see, Texas has a major problem with semi-truck accidents. Compared to other states, truck accidents are both more frequent and more deadly. Many factors contribute to the concerning Texas truck accident statistics.

Higher Than Average Amounts of Trucks

Texas has the second-largest number of commercial trucks in the entire nation. Over 14 million trucks are registered in the state, and many more semi-trucks drive through it on their way to other areas. Texas tends to have a lot of semi-trucks because manufacturing is one of their most common industries. Truckers are busy transporting goods to and from Texas all the time. Thanks to the growth of online shopping, there are also higher rates of USPS truck accidents from businesses handling deliveries. Ultimately, the higher number of trucks makes it much easier for crashes to occur. 

Large Numbers of Freeways

Texas is also one of the most centrally-located states. A lot of major roads lead through Texas, and data shows that most semi-truck accidents are happening along these interstates and freeways. As truckers are transporting goods throughout the state, they often pass through Texas and potentially get into wrecks. The most frequent roads for semi-truck accidents include Interstate 10, Interstate 35, and U.S. Route 69.

More People on the Road

Another thing to keep in mind is Texas’ size. Not only does it have one of the biggest populations in the country, but it’s also one of the largest states by land mass. This ends up creating much more crowded roads. With so many people on the roads, accidents occur much more frequently. 

Faster-Than-Average Drivers

Texas is the only state with speed limits that go up to 85 miles per hour. While this might sound like a fun thing, it also leads to some issues. Speeding makes accidents far more common. This is especially true for truck accidents since these oversized vehicles struggle to brake once they get up to a high speed. Even in areas where speed limits are lower, Texans’ love of rapid driving can contribute to accidents.

Common Causes of Texas Truck Accidents

All the data about semi-truck accidents in Texas can be worrying, but it also provides helpful insight. Learning about the most common causes of accidents with trucks can help you spot problematic truck drivers and take steps to avoid them. 


Speeding is the leading cause of semi-truck accidents. Around 38% of all truck accidents in Texas are due to speed-related errors. Things like tailgating other trucks or miscalculating the speed of other vehicles while turning can lead to accidents. Speeding can also cause problems if a driver goes too fast for road conditions like sharp turns or rain. 


Roughly 28% of trucking accidents are caused by someone not paying attention. If a trucker is looking at a map or changing the music in their vehicle, they can easily overlook other, smaller vehicles. This issue is especially common among semi-trucks hauling commercial freight. When a driver has spent long hours on the road, it is easier for their attention to wander.


Truck drivers often work very long hours. When a driver is rushing to make a delivery on time, they often skimp on sleep and drive fatigued. This can be as dangerous as driving under the influence. Even if the driver doesn’t fall asleep at the wheel, they often have slower reaction times and struggle to judge differences properly. 

Truck Malfunctions

There are a lot of potential things that can go wrong with a truck. 10% of crashes are linked to things like brake problems or tire issues. Trucks are also more likely to get into crashes if they are loaded improperly. Too much freight placed towards one side of a trailer can lead to tipping, improper acceleration, or other problems. Trucking companies are usually supposed to inspect trucks for these issues, but if they fail to do so, accidents can occur.

Poor Training

Many trucking accidents happen with newer drivers who are inexperienced. Those who aren’t comfortable handling a big rig are more likely to do things like overcompensate for small issues or panic when a driver near them makes a mistake. They may also struggle to change lanes safely, turn at appropriate angles, or stop quickly enough.

Poor Road Conditions

Many semi-truck accidents happen when something goes wrong with the road. 3% of accidents in Texas are linked to weather conditions like rain or sleet. Damaged roads also lead to accidents because a truck that hits a pothole or gets confused by inadequate signage might get in a wreck. 

Consequences of Texas Truck Accidents

Statistics for semi-truck accidents are even more concerning once you begin looking at the outcomes of these accidents. Semi-trailer trucks are more likely to be involved in deadly accidents than other types of vehicles. Furthermore, the victims of these crashes are rarely the drivers. Instead, the people most likely to die in semi-truck accidents are those in regular vehicles who get into a wreck with a larger truck. 

Even if the outcome isn’t fatal, truck accident lawyers also find that severe injuries are more likely in accidents with trucks. While two small cars bumping into each other might just result in some whiplash, even lightly colliding with a large truck can cause broken bones, crushed limbs, and other devastating injuries. 

Trucking accidents can lead to a broad range of different issues. People who end up in an accident with a semi-truck may face many problems including:

  • Physical injuries
  • Loss of life
  • Loss of a loved one’s life
  • High medical bills
  • Damaged vehicles and other property
  • Diminished earning ability
  • Lost wages during medical recover
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental trauma

Get Help from a Texas Truck Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one is dealing with a trucking accident in Texas, there is hope. A lawsuit can be an excellent way to recover compensation and get the financial help you need to move on with your life. However, trucking accident lawsuits tend to be more complex than other types of vehicle accidents, so it’s important to get an attorney who specializes in this field.

Make sure you find a lawyer comfortable handling these issues:

  • Litigating against multiple parties: Since most truckers are employees driving for a bigger business, you might need to sue multiple people. For example, in FedEx truck accidents, your lawyer will help you sue both the driver and the FedEx branch that hired them.
  • Dealing with corporations: When you sue a company, you can expect a more complex case. A good truck accident attorney can manage high-level negotiations and additional lawsuit appeals.
  • Handling serious injuries: Truck accident lawyers have the know-how to handle more serious injuries like amputations or paralysis. They can help you consult with the right doctors and work medical terminology into your court case.
  • Filing additional documents: To get the data you need for your case, you might need to get the court to provide access to things like weigh station records. Your attorney has the knowledge needed to promptly locate all this information.

If you’re looking for a talented, experienced truck accident lawyer, look no further. Our team is happy to assist you with getting compensation for all the damages you’ve faced in a truck accident. We have plenty of practice managing truck accident lawsuits, wrongful death cases, and more. To schedule your truck accident consultation, contact us today.

Reference section

TXDOT crash reports records
Registered Private and Commercial Trucks in the U.S. by State.
Truck Accident Statistics 
Large Trucks Injuries